The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce leads our communities toward sustainable economic growth.
The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce facilitates the development of the Triangle East Region of North Carolina into a nationally competitive, economically diverse, relevant and collaborative community.

A Message From Our Board Chair
Johnston County is my home. I grew up here. My parents grew up here. I’m proud of my roots, and I’m proud of what Johnston County has become. The Triangle East Chamber of Commerce is an important part of the sustainable economic growth we have seen in recent years. I often lament that “back in my day” (I know, I know), we did not have all the things we now take for granted.
According to some metrics, Johnston County is the fastest growing county in the state. Economic growth will only continue. The Chamber’s job is not to encourage growth for growth’s sake. Rather, the Chamber’s job is to lead our communities to ensure that growth is sustainable. We serve as a unifying force for our communities, while also championing the uniqueness and importance of each.
As your chairperson, my goal is not just to identify problems but rather to work with various community organizations and stakeholders to solve them. My father taught me that good attorneys are professional problem solvers. I have learned that problems are often best solved by leveraging the talents of those around us to achieve a common objective. I’m convinced that, with your help over the next two years, we can solve some growth challenges, and serve as a catalyst to solving other long term growth challenges. I therefore encourage all in our region to join and volunteer at the Triangle East Chamber of Commerce. We are stronger and better together. Let’s do this!
Lamar Armstrong, III, Board Chair 2024-2025